Construction of ACC's new Building for Khulna, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Barisal and Sylhet Divisional Offices and Vertical extension of Mymensingh Divisional Office (Sub-Head: Vertical Extension of Mymensingh Divisional Office From 2nd…
Remaining works of 1000 sq ft 15 storied building (civil, sanitary, E/M, gas connection, compound drain, sewage system, internal road, walkway, guard shed, deep tube well, land development, garden, boundary…
Establishment of 6 centers of BITAC in Gopalganj, Sunamganj, Barisal, Rangpur, Jamalpur and Jessore districts one at Rangpur (Sub-Head: Construction of Mosque)
Establishment of Complete Cancer, Kidney and Heart Treatment Center in eight Divisional city titled project (15-storied building with 17-storied foundation having 2(two) basement at Rangpur, Sylhet, Barishal, Mymensingh, Chattogram, Rajshahi,…
Remaining construction work (civil, sanitary, electrical, internal roads, drain-apron and land development work) of 3-storied barrack building with 6-storied foundation at 2 APBn, Mymensingh Police Lines.
Construction of Novo Theatre, Rangpur (1st revised) (Sub-Head: Supplying and Installation of Escalator and Lift at Planetarium Block and Supplying and Installation of Lift at Office Block and Dormitory Block)
Construction of 560 Nos Model Masjid and Islamic Cultural Center at every upazila and District one at Keranigonj upazila in the district of Dhaka. (Sub head: Civil, Internal Sanitary, Internal…
Remaining Construction of 4-Storied Highway Thana with 6-Storied Foundation (Civil, Sanitary, Internal & External Electrification) works of 4th floor under the Gazipur Region at Kotiadi Kishoregonj. F.Y 2024- 2025.
Remaining Construction of 4-Storied Highway Thana with 6-Storied Foundation (Civil, Sanitary, Internal & External Electrification) works of 4th floor under the Gazipur Region at Kotiadi Kishoregonj. F.Y 2024- 2025.
The remaining Construction work of 1st and 2nd floor (civil & sanitary) of Singair Thana Bhaban at Singair in Manikganj district. Financial Year 2024-2025.
Construction of Pump House, Guard Shed, Ghatla, Undergroud Reservoir, Walkway, Culvert, Compound Drain, Boundary wall, Approach Road, shore protection, hut or cottage for festival, car parking, main gate and renovation…
Remaining Work of 2 Nos. 20-Storied 650 sft & 1000 Sft building at purbachal police line ( Gas Connection, Internal Road, Guard shed, Arboriculture, Boundary wall gate, Site Developement, Internal…
Gas Connection & site Development work of Narayanganj District police lines Under the project of Construction of 9 Residential Tower Buildings for Bangladesh Police at different places of Bangladesh.
Establishment of Cancer Unit at Medical College Hospital of 8 (eight) Divisional Head quarter One at Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna. (Sub-Head: 1500 KVA*2 Nos Substation equipment, HT/LT Cables (Service…